Saxon Websites™ are an established company comprising of a small group of highly professional and extremely experienced individuals from the web development communities. Our team all share a vision for the future of the company whose direction is shaped by a communal passion for building exciting websites using the very latest web technologies.

Our aim is to provide our clients with powerful websites that are capable of performing within the search engines in order for their businesses to successfully grow and compete on the internet - by applying the skills that we have collectively acquired from years of experience as Web Developers, Internet Marketing Consultants and Graphic Design specialists. Our new base of operations is Citibase, located just to the north of Coventry City centre. These newly acquired offices allow us to work as a team and provide a range of services to our clients that far exceed any one individuals ability. You will see soon after initial contact what exactly we offer that is different to other Web Design companies. The friendly and approachable way we conduct our business, our 'can do' attitude and our enthusiasm to get you results are just some of the many ways in which we will surprise you.
By way of explanation of 'who we are' the following famous quote by Thomas Edison was proposed when one of our designers was solicited for material on the term 'success' ... "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". It made us smile but turned it down in preference of a more apt quote by Mark Twain who said "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do".
If your website is under-performing or if you have a requirement that you think we may be able to help with - call us for an informal chat or drop us a line via our contacts page, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Citibase, situated just north of city centre