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Domains & IT Support

Domain Registration

When choosing a domain name, consider that there does appear to be a relationship between the domain name that you choose and search engine rankings. Choosing the right domain name can make your climb to the top of the search engines easier for sure – the domain name should ideally reflect, or at least, have some bearing on the main keywords that you intend to base your website around.Advice on domain registration is free when you commission Saxon Websites™ to design your website

There is a matter of research and securing your chosen domain name to take into account also - especially if your whole business is going to evolve around your website. Another company could easily benefit from all of your hard work and financial investment … if you have not taken precautions. Some basic precautions to take would include doing some research on what websites and businesses are already out there with similar sounding names. Additionally, it would be prudent to find out if the other TLD’s (Top Level Domains like .com and for example) are available or taken for your chosen domain. There are numerous factors to take into account when choosing the right domain besides the few we’ve just mentioned – be careful and seek advice if necessary.

Website Hosting
Saxon Websites provides free web hosting adviceSo now you have your domain name, where are you going to host it? Well, once again, there are a few common pitfalls that people fall into, so again, our advice is - to seek advice … before you sign anything. Ideally, the person to ask for advice about hosting would be your web designer, simply because he has created it and he should know what the server needs to ensure the website performs as it should. We regularly come across small businesses that have paid good money for a good website only to come unstuck when their server can’t cope with the load or support languages or platforms upon which the website is based. Besides selecting a server that is equipped to handle your website, you also need to consider things like access, security and reliability – take a look at their redundancy capabilities (if you are planning to host you website outside of your company) and make sure things like data are backed up regularly and securely. A lot to take in we know – but guess what? Advice on domains and hosting is free when you pick Saxon Websites™ to develop your website. We can walk you through the entire process quite painlessly, so no need to worry. Over the years, we have gained quite a bit of experience in choosing the right domain and selecting a hosting company – we can even help you set up your own server in order to host the website yourself … we have a number of Microsoft Certified Professionals onboard who are only too willing to lend assistance.
IT Support by Microsoft Certified Professionals
Providing quality IT Support is one of many ways that Saxon Websites™ can help your business growSaxon Websites™ has an enviable reputation within our professional circles and we have achieved this by providing our customers with excellent business websites and offering all the technical IT Support that is necessary to ensure that the website performs. No matter how powerful our business websites are – they are no good if our customer can’t use the information that it provides them, they are no good if our customer doesn’t understand the features that we have built-in on their behalf. This is why we provide IT Support – all the way down the line. Most of our web designers are Microsoft Certified Professionals and can help your business with setting up secure access, safe user accounts, help desks or even migration to a new server. We have the expertise to train your employees in all aspects of getting the very best from your new business website – we are proud of the high level of IT Support that we offer – speak to us if you have need of setting up or modifying your office networks for example, we’ll show you the right way. Providing quality IT Support and excellent after-sales advice distinguishes Saxon Websites™ from other business website design companies – we feel it is without doubt a contributing factor to our success and the success of our customers businesses. Our IT Support by Microsoft Certified Professionals is just one of many reasons why you should consider bringing your business to us, remember, having a powerful, business website designed and built for you is only half of the picture – you still need to get the best from it! We can ensure that happens.