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Increased Sales Conversion – Typical Examples

Sales Conversion - Example 1Company A called us and asked to help them increase productivity, their website was not performing even though they had a number one position in the search engines. Analysis of their site showed clearly that although customers were placing products in their basket (which indicates an intention to purchase), they would often abandon and leave the site. Further research showed exactly where they were leaving and the solution was to offer a ‘purchase without creating an account’ option. This websites account creation form was off-putting and when the obstacle was removed – they saw a marked increase in sales conversion.

Sales Conversion - Example 2Company B contacted us to investigate why their sales conversion was dismal when similar sites boasted good, healthy revenues. We installed Google analytics on their website and returned the following week. Our data highlighted an important problem that was overlooked in the design process. They had installed an attractive slideshow in the header of each page – the problem was that it didn’t work in Internet Explorer (represented around 60% of their visitors). Our analysis showed virtually all visitors with the browser leaving early. A bit of CSS soon cleared up the problem and their sales conversion ended up a lot healthier.

Sales Conversion - Example 3Company C was actually big in the US and they didn’t even know it. They asked for help and it was soon apparent that the bulk of their visitors resided in the US. The company hadn’t targeted the US and only provided the option for UK shipping. Once their shopping cart was reconfigured, they enjoyed a big sales conversion increase and now trade globally.

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