When somebody mentions the phrase ‘corporate image’ the first thing that normally pops into your head is offices and suites. There is however a lot more to it than that when put into the context of designing a website. Firstly it gives the developer a sense of direction – a template or theme to build the site around. Secondly and more importantly, a corporate image can have lots of marketing benefits for your company – and the result need not be full of ‘suites and offices’ either. A corporate image is more of an identity and that creation can be in any direction you like – trendy and modern, colourful and tongue-in-cheek or even smooth and sexy.
There is a whole industry that has evolved from this one basic concept … and they wouldn’t be there if there wasn’t something to it. When we design a website here at Saxon Websites™, we encourage our clients to think about their audience – who exactly are you trying to attract? And once identified, what sort of things do they like to see and here? The answers to these questions will be the foundations upon which the website will be built. If you are selling designer T-Shirts and your ideal audience is 15-25 years of age, you don’t really want a website that is informative with a black-grey colour scheme do you? You would be more successful with lots of bright images, captions and incentives to purchase your product like a facebook-linked discount for instance. A logo or catch-phrase could easily become synonymous with your company especially if they start getting posted around the social networks – and, of course, they will be designed to be representative of your products so people can tell at a glance where your company is coming from and what to expect. A corporate identity or image is something you should be looking into if you already do not have one – we are on hand to help with our years of experience and cool ideas.