One of the most important decisions to make when developing a website is to determine which (if any) Content Management System (CMS) to use. A CMS, in brief, is a bit like a framework around which you build a website. All websites need a few common, basic components in order to facilitate things like Operation, Security and a level of Functionality – a CMS will deliver this as a foundation block and also provide ‘plug-in’ scripts to further develop the site.
A ‘plug-in’ or ‘add-on’ script is a bit of code that another developer has already written. It is normally written for a specific purpose and to be compatible with a specific CMS. A website designer doesn’t want to have to re-invent the wheel, so he will generally choose a CMS that has as many of these plug-ins available that will help him/her develop the site in the direction that you have instructed. This will save him/her development time and ultimately should save you, the client, money. Many development companies will push you towards what they know, rather than what is best for you - and you may become unstuck later down the line when their initial solution can't cope with your new requirement six months on.
Saxon Websites™ has experience of a wide range of CMS’ and will take the time to choose the right one for you – should we decide an off-the-shelf solution is best for you, that is. We have the experience to afford you the correct choice and the ability to compose a bespoke website should there not be a correct choice readily available.